Letting the void shout back

(crossposted to Cohost)

The Publii setup for the blog works well enough. Tried to get comments set up, and Publii has a couple plugins for various third-party commenting services, but it looks like I'd need a $5/month Neocities subscription to actually do it. Given how few comments I ever got on Cohost, I don't think it'd be worth it just for that.

Wouldn't mind a like button of some sort, though- I did get enough likes here to act as a little virtual headpat, which made a difference between posting on Cohost vs. LiveJournal back in the day. (and one of the reasons I didn't start up on Dreamwidth now) But I didn't see an out-of-the-box Publii hookup like for comments, and I suspect it'd also wind up hitting the security restriction that'd require the Neocities sub.

So I dunno. I'll add some contact links to the blog so you can walk up to me in the virtual street and say "Hey, I liked your post," but that's not a lot.