Posting about games and stuff

2024 Games of the Year

So now that I've posted the 2022 and 2023 top 10 lists, and my previous years' games I played this year, here's the new one! I'm changing my rule about free games because there were a lot of memorable ones this year.

From this list it looks like I just played puzzle games, but the last list is mostly not. It's more that this was a really strong year overall, and I've been especially keeping up with current puzzle releases so I could follow streams/discussion.

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2024 GotY: Bonus lists

I wanted to make the top 10 post more of its own Thing, so I'm breaking out the pre-2024 list into its own post. So here's the list of pre-2024 games I played for the first time this year and enjoyed enough to recommend:

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Cohost repost: 2023 GotY

[Happy Geoffsmas, everyone! This felt like a good day to repost last year's list. Not going to post this year's until later in the month since there are games coming out literally today with a shot at it. Here's one hint, at least: like this year's Geoffs, I'm changing the eligibility rules to let one game in particular in.]

(Originally posted on Cohost December 25, 2023)

I think the best game awards are individuals talking about games they liked, and I'm an individual, so here goes! Same rules as last year, top ten commercial releases in 2023 in no particular order. (I play too many oddball free games to keep track.)

Cohost repost: 2022 GotY

[Originally posted on Cohost December 28, 2022. Bringing these up now because it's award/wrapup season. I probably don't have a ton to say about these games after the fact, but I will be retroactively awarding Puzzle Game of the Year (For Sickos) and Puzzle Game of the Year (For Non-Sickos), because I jokingly picked games for them in 2023 and I think it's an interesting category to make recurring.]

Not sure what I want to use cohost for, but let's try this. In no particular order, these are ten games I played in 2022 that I'd call... the top? It's hard to compare games that do such different things, so I'm not going to try to rank these in any more detail.