
I'm Aspeon, putting this together in Cohost's twilight hours to have a bloggy place. I mostly want somewhere to continue the what I'm playing/year-end wrapup posts from there (and I'll probably repost the backlog too), though I might do more devlog type stuff too.

I've got an Itch with some short puzzle games (and other things). Tower of the Tides is a good one to start with, and Boarding Zone's the most recent one as of this post.

In addition to video games, I'm also a fan of board games and puzzlehunts. Those are more offline hobbies for me so I don't post about them too often.

Shoutouts to Cania's tutorial on how to set this all up; it had the end-to-end flow with low enough friction to actually go through. The big wart so far is that if you don't have a "Read more" on a post, the homepage will display a butchered excerpt of the post and not the whole thing.

As someone whose fursona would be a bird, I had a pretty good first impression from Neocities, at least:

Captcha: "Select each bird that is pictured alone in the image"